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39.向日葵演唱会(超级短小拇指蛋清) (第4/6页)
ng it all on my own." "I had a heart then but the queen has beehrown." "And I’m not sleeping now, the dark is too hard to beat." "And I’m not keeping now the strength I o push me." ………… "I still wan you alone." "Will you be around?(be around)" "Take my pain away. Hold me in your arms again." "You’re the color of my blood, you’re the cure, you’re the pain." "You’re the only thing I wanna touever khat it could mean so much." "You’re the drug that I’m addicted to and I want you so bad." 贵宾席中几名粉丝小声讨论道:“廷格珥这是怎么了?听起来好哀伤,这是失恋了吗?” “也可能是事业上遇到了困难,感觉很绝望。或者生活上的挫折?” “我也有相同的感觉,就特别低落。” “廷格珥宝宝最近是怎么了?以前的歌从来没这么悲伤过。听着都快哭了。” “会不会是单飞以后尝试新风格?” “这个新专辑可能要的就是这种感觉?” “我觉得一定是生活上的事情。” “尤其是‘Is anybody out there?’,他一开口我都想上去抱抱他。” “是哪个孙子敢让廷格珥宝宝这么失落?” 加尔坐在一旁不由得浑身一激灵。 接着舞台上的光线一变转为阴郁的紫色,廷克向前走去,来到舞台最前方。 "The rhythm of this trembli, is beating like a drum." "It beats for you, it bleeds for you. It knows not how it sounds" "I ’t sleep. Cause thoughts devour." "Thoughts of you e. I ’t help but love you." "Even though I try not to. I ’t help but want you." "I know that I’d die without you. Stay with me a little longer." "I will wait for you...." "I ’t help but be wrong in the dark. Cause I’m overe in this war of hearts." "I ’t help but want os to part. Cause I’m overe in this war of hearts" 附近的几名粉丝又开始窃窃私语。 “这肯定有问题,廷格珥宝宝一定是恋爱了,还是求而不得的那种。” “还‘I will wait for you’!!廷格珥宝宝这是要等谁?” “哪个孙子居然敢让廷廷等?!居然胆敢让廷廷这么伤心!!!!” “能被廷廷喜欢是多么荣幸的事!!!气死我了。是哪个家伙不开眼?!!” 几首歌曲唱完之后廷克面对粉丝们说道:“很高兴大家能来我的演唱会。这是我单飞以后第二张专辑,谢谢各位来捧场。” 台下粉丝激动地喊道:“廷格珥,我爱你!廷格